Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Where I Was

You never took my breath away

but I took my own to give to you.

Do you know what I did for you?

I did what only God can do

I parted my ribs,

grabbed all skinny skin and muscle off this ragged thing

tore at myself

ripped out lungs

pulled at bone till it cracked with a snap of my fingers

I pulled for you

and I gave you what only God really gives.

Do you know what I did for you over and over again?

Because this body can only handle so much snapping it turns out

I didnt know that.

But my body did.

So do you know what I did for you?

Because my left shoulder aches from carrying you

My fingers have no skin from wiping your leaking tears

My feet barely walk for the miles I chased after you

My lips crack from all the dry kisses we had

My stomach couldn't swallow all the frustration so Im doubled over

All of me shakes to the ground

disassembled on my accord

At most, I gave you my best

At least, my best even if it paraded my worst

I gave you a home

I gave you a heart

I gave you a way away from yourself …



So, keep it all.

Just keep it.

I've got more some of me somewhere.

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