Monday, February 11, 2008

Dear Sun,

Its definately not finished, but its there.


dear Sun, do you need more light?

Lately you seem three shades darker than I remember
Dear Sun.
Sun, I’ll give you my strength
If you’d like to use this recycled blood
call me
send me your address
and I’ll ship you some light
Its time someone helps you
let me know what I can do
Turn off your fire
Close the shades
Trying being cold
Take some alone time
Travel a bit
Spin to the furthest corner of this galaxy
where only lost stars go to find themselves
Sun, don't worry about the rest of us
I'm used to being the center of the universe anyway
I will reach into my stomach and take out
What is most powerful
I'll place it on one finger and spin it
And this little light of mine will divinely rule for you
You set me on fire once.
I display the scars cowardly.
You torched each rib with a lighter and hairspray
My vessels were orange
I glowed
did glow
needed to glow
please, Sun,
let me break dawn in half
and I will set evening perfectly in place each night
Your heart looks different than mine
but they are of equal sizes

Dear sun, come to me
I want your orange vanilla cream-cicle to drip itself backwards
spit up on the clouds
They will be happy to accept the mess
Even display it with a buzzing neon light
glowing it for this private showing

Dear Sun, thank you for being constant

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